Saturday, June 25, 2011

JG `the normal` Ballard

Warm Leatherette

See the breaking glass
In the underpass 
See the breaking glass
In the underpass 
Warm leatherette 

Hear the crushing steel
Feel the steering wheel 
Hear the crushing steel 
Feel the steering wheel

Warm leatherette 

Warm leatherette

Warm leatherette
Melts on your burning flesh
You can see your reflection 
In the luminescent dash

Warm leatherette 

A tear of petrol 
in your eye
The hand brake
Penetrates your thigh
Quick - Let's make love
Before you die

On warm leatherette

Warm leatherette 
Warm leatherette
Warm leatherette 
Warm leatherette 

Join the car crash set

JG Ballard gercekten sevdigim yazarlardan birisidir. Yukaridaki parca "Crash" romanindan esinlenerek yazilmis. Bugunlerden Ballard`in otobiyografisi "Miracles of Life"i okuyorum. YouTube`da ismini ararken rastladim. The Normal "T.V.O.D."/"Warm Leatherette" adinda tek single (bir de deneysel live EP var Robert Rental adındaki bir başka ile ortak çıkan: "Live at West Ruston Pavillion") yayinlamis bir proje. Arkasındaki isim Daniel Miller. Yıl 1978. Single zaman icinde kultlesiyor. "Warm Leatherette"i cover`layanlar arasinda Grace Jones, Chicks on Speed, Duran Duran, Trent Reznor & Peter Murphy gibi onemli adlar var. Bu arada A yuzunun sozleri de az ilginc degil.


I don't need a TV screen
I just stick the aerial into my skin
let the signal run through my veins
I don't need no TV screen
I just stick the aerial into my skin
let the signal run through my veins

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